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What To Do When You Have A Dental Emergency

There are many different types of dental emergencies. From knocked out (avulsed) teeth caused by a slip and fall or an impact injury, to loose or damaged dental work like crowns and fillings, or even severe toothaches. All of these (and more) count as dental emergencies.

At Living Oaks Dental, Dr. Gene Brabston is an experienced and professional emergency dentist. We offer flexible hours and appointments, and we always have room for emergency patients. Not sure what you should do when you have a dental emergency? Find out below.

dental emergency

1. Make An Appointment With Dr. Gene Brabston Immediately

The very first thing you should do when you experience a dental emergency is so seek help from a dentist immediately. If you’re injured or in pain, give us a call right away at (251) 928-1645. Most dental emergencies are extremely time-sensitive. For example, a knocked-out tooth must usually be replaced within 1-2 hours in order to preserve it. Most other emergencies are also easier to treat if you see a dentist immediately.

As soon as you are hurt, or notice your dental emergency, give us a call at (251) 928-1645 to schedule your emergency appointment. We will do our very best to fit you in and get you out of pain.

2. Take Steps To Recover Your Tooth Or Dental Work (If Applicable)

If your tooth has been knocked out, you should do your best to recover it. Clean it with water, and replace it in its socket, or put it into a small baggie or container with some cold milk.

If you lose a crown or a filling, clean it with water and put it in a small bag and bring it to your appointment, as these can sometimes be replaced by your dentist.

3. Address Pain, Bleeding, And Swelling

You are probably experiencing quite a bit of pain and bleeding if you have had a traumatic injury. Clean gauze or cotton balls can be placed inside the mouth to reduce bleeding.

Pain can be treated with over-the-counter NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. These will also treat swelling and inflammation. Aspirin should NOT be used, as it can prevent proper blood clotting.

Ice or cold packs can be applied to the outside of the mouth to numb the area and reduce swelling, which may help relieve discomfort.

Bleeding should cease or slow dramatically within a few hours of the injury. If it doesn’t, you may want to consider visiting an urgent care facility or an emergency room.

4. Visit Dr. Brabston For Treatment

Come to Living Oaks Dental as soon as you can to get treatment for your dental emergency. Dr. Brabston will examine your mouth and determine the best way to restore your teeth, and get your life back to normal. You can trust us to deliver caring, fast, and professional service for any dental emergency.

Need An Emergency Dentist? We’re The Best In Fairhope!

Whether you’re experiencing an oral injury now, or you just want to find a great emergency dentist in case of future emergencies, Living Oaks Dental is an ideal choice. Dr. Brabston is an experienced oral surgeon, and can help you with any emergency treatment!

Come in today if you’re in need of an emergency appointment! You can contact us at (251) 928-1645, or drop by our office for a walk-in appointment at 506 N Section St, Fairhope, AL 36532. We’ll see you soon!

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