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Fairhope Veneers

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are very thin pieces of porcelain that are designed to fit over your teeth. These wafer-thin “shells” are intended to cover up the front surfaces of the teeth, and can cover up stains, chips in the teeth, gaps between teeth, misshapen and uneven teeth, and a lot of other such cosmetic flaws.

Thanks to their long lifespan, versatility, and simple aftercare requirements, veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry options at Living Oaks Dental. Learn more about veneers and how they work below, or contact us now to see if you’re a good candidate for treatment.

dental veneers in lafayette colorado

How It Works

The Veneer Placement Process

The process begins with a quick cosmetic consultation with Fairhope cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brabston, at Living Oaks Dental. During this appointment, he will examine your mouth, discuss your options for cosmetic dentistry, and help you decide if veneers are right for you. If you’re a good candidate, you’ll schedule a follow-up.

At this appointment, Dr. Brabston will clean and numb your mouth, and trim away some of your enamel. Then, he will take molds and impressions of your teeth, and send these to a dental lab. You’ll go home with a set of resin veneers to protect your newly-trimmed teeth.

In about 2-3 weeks, the dental lab will build your permanent veneers and send them to our office. You’ll come back for your final appointment, and Dr. Brabston will bond your veneers in place permanently, completing the procedure.

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The Benefits

Of Veneers

Veneers have a lot of benefits. First, they’re really durable and are completely immune to stains, so they will look great for years to come. The lifespan of veneers is usually between 10-20 years, so they usually last longer than comparable treatments like dental bonding. They also do not require much maintenance beyond routine brushing and flossing.

In addition to this, they are highly versatile. Veneers can cover up almost any cosmetic flaw, though it should be noted that they can’t be used to restore unhealthy teeth. That’s the biggest benefit of veneers. With a set of veneers, you can completely restore the appearance of your smile, and take pride in your teeth once again!


For Veneers

The most important thing to do is to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and floss once each day. Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing things like quitting smoking.

Routine six-month visits to Fairhope dentist, Dr. Gene Brabston, at Living Oaks Dental are also important. During your consultation, Dr. Brabston can check on the health of your teeth, and also make sure your veneers are in good shape. If he notices any issues with either your teeth or veneers, you can contact us to get the follow-up care you need right away.

To avoid breaking and damaging your veneers, you should chew hard foods (popcorn kernels, nuts) with your rear teeth. Do not bite non-food objects like pens or pencils. Avoid using your teeth to tear open bags or rip tape.

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An appointment

Whether you’re looking to make a routine appointment or come in for a restorative procedure, you’ll be in good hands with Living Oaks Dental. Our skilled staff will take care of you from the moment you walk through our doors and long after. You’re a top priority for us, and we’ll provide every comfort along the way. Our office is warm and inviting, you’re welcome to come through any time we’re open. We look forward to meeting you!


Living Oaks Dental

  • Mon 8am-5pm
  • Tues 8am-5pm
  • Wed 8am-5pm
  • Thur 7am-3pm
  • Fri-Sun Closed