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How Long Does Teething Last?

You’re eagerly waiting for your baby’s first tooth to emerge. But, then the fussiness and discomfort come too and your excitement starts to dissipate. 

How long will teething last and what can you do to help your child feel better? 

Here are some tips. 

Signs Your Baby Is Teething 

Most babies start teething between the ages of four and seven months, although every child is different. If you notice some of the following signs, they might be an indication that your baby’s first tooth is about to emerge: 

  • Excessive drooling
  • Swollen, tender gums
  • Fussiness or irritability
  • Chewing on things
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Refusing food
  • Rubbing their face or ears
  • Rash around the mouth

If you think your baby is about to get their first tooth or if you are worried about their oral health, you should get in touch with Dr. Gene Brabston for their first dental check-up. It’s actually recommended that children see a kids dentist before they turn one. 

How Long Does Teething Last? 

While nothing is set in stone when it comes to baby developmental stages, most kids will get their first tooth around 4 to 7 months of age and continue to have new teeth come in until around 2 to 3 years of age.

Each tooth takes about 1 to 7 days to break through the gum, but the discomfort associated with this process can start a few days before this and then for a few days after. So, for each tooth, the teething process could potentially last for up to a week or two.

How to Help a Baby Feel Better During Teething 

Teething can be an uncomfortable process for a baby, but there are several ways you can help to soothe their discomfort:

  • Chewing Toys: Chewing on rubber or silicone toys can help your child find some relief. You can use teething rings, pacifiers, or even a wet washcloth that’s been chilled in the fridge to help your little one feel better. 
  • Cold food or drinks: If your baby is old enough, you can use cold foods or drinks like yogurt or homemade fruit popsicles to manage their discomfort. 
  • Gum massage: Gently massage your baby’s gums with your finger. This can help to relieve the pressure they’re feeling.
  • Pain relief: If your baby seems very uncomfortable, you might ask your pediatrician about using pain medication like ibuprofen to help with their teething pain. 

Bring Your Child to Living Oaks Dental

While teething can be a difficult time, it won’t last forever. If you’re ever unsure about your baby’s symptoms or what remedies to use, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Living Oaks Dental. We offer family dentistry services and can treat patients of all ages, including babies. 

Contact us now to learn more about our services and book your little one’s appointment with us. 

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