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What to Do If My Child Has a Cavity

You breathe a sigh of relief every time your child’s dentist says that they are cavity-free. You know it’s your duty as a parent to keep their mouths clean and you take it very seriously. 

But, this time was different. The dentist found a small cavity and you went directly into panic mode. What should your next steps be? 

Keep reading to find out how to handle cavities in kids. 

How Do Cavities Form?

A cavity is nothing more than a small hole in the tooth’s structure. It’s caused by the accumulation of plaque, which is a mix of bacteria, food particles, and saliva. 

Whenever your child eats or drinks something sugary or starchy, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that weaken the tooth enamel. Over time, these weak spots turn into cavities. 

The issue when it comes to pediatric cavities is that baby teeth are softer and the decay tends to extend at a much faster rate. That’s why acting promptly is so important. 

What to Do If Your Child Has a Cavity?

If you suspect that your child has a cavity, the first step is to schedule an appointment with a dentist for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Based on their assessment, they will recommend the proper treatment. 

If it’s a minor cavity, a dental filling will likely be enough to treat it. But, if the damage is more severe, they may recommend a baby root canal to save the tooth. This is a treatment where the dentist drills through the tooth to access the decayed part and clean it. After the tooth has been cleaned, they will place a pediatric crown to restore and strengthen the tooth. 

How to Prevent Cavities in Children?

Prevention is the best cure when it comes to our oral health. Here are some things that you can do to help your child have healthy teeth: 

  • Establish a Dental Routine: Teach your child the importance of brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. Be a good model and maintain a good oral hygiene routine yourself. Kids are better at mimicking our behavior than following our words. 
  • Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks: High sugar intake significantly contributes to cavities. While a sweet treat from time to time is OK, offer healthier options daily like fruits and vegetables.
  • Schedule Regular Dental Check-ups: Take your child for regular dental check-ups for early detection and treatment of dental problems. In addition, the dentist will also check their jaw and teeth growth and ensure there aren’t any issues with their oral development. 
  • Ask Your Dentist About Fluoride Toothpaste: A fluoride toothpaste strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. But, your child should be able to spit so they don’t ingest the toothpaste. Ask your child’s dentist in Fairhope for advice and if it’s OK for your little one to use it. 

What Should You Do Next? 

If you think that your child has a cavity, get in touch with Living Oaks Dental to book an appointment with Dr. Gene Brabston. 

You can contact us online or call us at (251) 928-1645

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