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Does My Child Need a Filling or Crown?

As parents, we always want the best for our children. We ensure they eat well, exercise, and maintain good hygiene. However, one aspect of health that is often overlooked is dental health – an issue that comes up, particularly when cavities appear in the teeth of young ones. In this case, it can be daunting to figure out if the child needs a dental filling or crown.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be as confusing as it seems on the surface. In this article, by Living Oaks Dental, you’ll get an in-depth look at fillings vs crowns and learn how to make a well-informed decision that maintains your child’s oral health while preserving their smile!

Filling or Crown: Which One Does Your Child Need?

Dental fillings and crowns are common procedures for children who have cavities, decay, or damage to their teeth. Knowing which one is suitable for your child will depend on various factors. These include:

The Extent of Damage: A filling is usually ideal for small cavities or decay that has not spread extensively. Crowns, on the other hand, are recommended for larger cavities or teeth with more severe damage.

The Age of the Child: Children’s teeth are still developing, and a crown may not be suitable for a young child as it may affect the growth of the tooth. In such cases, fillings are recommended.

Location of the Damage: If the damage is on a molar tooth, which is used for chewing, a crown may be more suitable as it provides more stability and protection. For smaller teeth, a filling may suffice.

The Signs that Your Child May Need a Filling or Crown

It’s crucial to identify the signs that your child may need a filling or crown early on to prevent further damage to their teeth. These include:

Toothache or Sensitivity: A toothache or sensitivity is usually a sign of tooth decay. If your child complains of a toothache or sensitivity when eating or drinking hot or cold foods, it could be a sign that they need a filling or crown.

Visible Decay: If you notice dark spots, holes, or pits on your child’s teeth, it could be a sign of decay. If the decay is visible and extensive, your child may need a crown.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth: If your child has cracked or chipped teeth, it could be a sign that they need a filling or crown. This is especially true if the crack or chip is large or extends into the tooth’s root.

Discoloration: If your child’s tooth is discolored, it could be an indication of decay. A discolored tooth could also be a sign of trauma, which may require a crown to protect the tooth.

Pain when Biting: If your child experiences pain when biting or chewing, it could be a sign that they need a filling or crown. This is usually caused by a cavity or crack in the tooth.

Preparing Your Child for a Filling or Crown Procedure

It’s normal for your child to feel anxious about dental procedures. You can help them prepare by explaining the procedure in simple terms, answering any questions they may have, and reassuring them that the procedure is safe and necessary. You may also consider bringing their favorite toy or book to the appointment to help them feel more comfortable.

Do You Suspect That Your Child Needs a Filling or Crown? Contact Living Oaks Dental

At Living Oaks Dental, we understand that visiting the dentist can be scary for children, which is why we have created a child-friendly environment that is welcoming and relaxing. We use the latest dental technology to ensure that your child receives the best possible care, and we provide personalized care that is tailored to your child’s specific needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a childrens dentist in Fairhope and experience the difference we can make for your child’s dental health.

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